Toronto Eruv Boundaries Map
Every roadway that is outside of the highlighted border is NOT in the Eruv. There are two “crossover” sections where one may continuously carry from the South Eruv to the North Eruv. These passages are at Wilson and Bathurst and Bayview underneath the 401. Dufferin street from Schell Avenue north to the 401 is NOT in the Eruv. There is no crossover currently from the North Eruv to Richmond Hill. We have tried to be as exact as possible with the borders to prevent any misconception of where the borders of the Eruv start and finish. If anyone has questions about specific addresses or areas please call 1-866-992-6634 or 416 350 2879. This map will be updated as any border changes or additions are made to the Eruv.
Yorkdale Holiday Inn is NOT in the Eruv
North York General Hospital is NOT in the Eruv