To the Toronto Community


The Eruv status for Toronto, Thornhill AND Markham is UP for Shabbos Beshalach, Friday February 7, 2025.

Candle Lighting time tonight is before 5:19 PM.

For Boundary Information Please Visit the boundary section by clicking here
Or Call Danny Gordon At 416-364-2700.

The following are the boundaries of the Toronto/Thornhill ERUV. This eruv has been in place since December 1996. It was created under the guidance and supervision of the Va’ad Harabonim of Toronto. Halachic supervision has continued under the guidance of the Va’ad Harabonim, and more specifically under the auspices of the Kollel Avreichim of Toronto. The eruv is constantly checked, updated and fixed. The cost of this maintenance should be borne by all members of the Thornhill/Toronto community.

The status of the Eruv will be reported every Friday, IY’H, and will show as a green light when up, and if Chas V’Shalom the eruv is down, as a red light. During the rest of the week, there will be a flashing yellow light, indicating that the status is currently unverified.

Whether you’ve spent just a single Shabbos in Toronto , or enjoy the benefits of the Eruv on a weekly basis, we would greatly appreciate your financial support so that we may keep the eruv operational every week. Even a small donation makes a big difference, and there are a variety of ways that you can help to keep the eruv up,including sponsoring the Eruv hotline and web status page for a week in honor of a simchah or yahrtzeit, or simply making a general donation.

Eruv Hotline: 416-350-2879
Those wishing to support the eruv can click on the link below:
Or, send a check to
(a tax deductible receipt will be issued)

‘The Toronto Eruv’
c/o Ben Zlotnick
93 Palm Drive
Toronto, ON

Make a Donation
